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I believe it is time to STAND-UP and STAND-OUT in the world as consciousness and the world changes in the current big shift.  Live on the edge!  Live, love and learn like no tomorrow to make the most of each moment.

The STAND OUT theme came from the National Speakers Association Conference I attended in Melbourne last month.  At this conference, I meet an awesome guy Geoff McDonald, who introduced me to his concept of a Manifesto.

A Manifesto can be like a personal statement of you and life that you make public.  Not everybody will agree with it hence it is designed that it may well antagonise some people.  I use the mypersonalfoundation template to store my Manifestointentions and plan for life, but today it is time for me to declare my Manifesto and STAND OUT:

My Manifesto

I believe every human has a unique make-up and unique talents, hence if we are aware of our true purpose, awake in the moment and follow our heart, great wisdom and a natural flow will occur in business and life.

I believe when on purpose and in the present moment, a more intuitive balanced flow of success produces wonderful synchronicity and great satisfaction in life.

I believe true happiness in life results from emotional self-understanding to be authentic in expression which is the real source of inner freedom and self-belief.

I believe things happen for a reason, nothing is an accident, hence any obstacle is education if we are awake in the moment. Allowing ourself to see the learning, free from auto-judgment to live in the moment, to trust and feel free to manifest our true desires.

I believe the new consciousness is an auto flow, to achieve without strain and pushing, to stay relaxed is a choice if we achieve from a place of clarity in our personal foundation unleashing a natural passionate flow of intuitive success.

That is what I believe in.  I challenge you to stand for what you believe in, visit Geoff McDonald‘s site and get some Manifesto ideas to STAND-OUT today.