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I am so proud of what Emirates Team NZ have achieved in the Americas Cup. Even if I have been critical of Dean Barkers leadership style in the past, I believe he has shown such dignity in defeat to make me very proud to be a Kiwi.

Grant Dalton is a great leader. The way he carried himself after the defeat was an inspiration. He was honest about how he was feeling and more importantly very sporting in accepting defeat. While others were blaming and asking questions about cheating, he had none of it. He congratulated Oracle Team USA and while gutted, he did show great dignity and respect in the way he carried himself.

It is disappointing that we do not have the Americas Cup. Some commentators say we should have had it because we had many real chances to win, yet folded under pressure while at match point. Nevertheless, I think it was a great lesson in Leadership. Different personality types have different Leadership styles. Winning skipper James Spithill came across as an inspirational emotionally intelligent leader, and Dean Barker was not based on my interruption of his interviews. The way he expressed and suppressed his emotions it seemed he was hiding from the reality and putting on a brave face rather than being authentic and real emotionally. ‎