Self Isolation Day 3 – frustration and anger as reality hits

Self-isolation has been an interesting roller coaster ride of emotions, initially being a bit blase about it thinking I could maybe play tennis, having been told at the airport that I can go to the beach and the park, and the airport official said I can even play golf if I stay 1 meter away from people. This was a nice surprise that he would mention sport, which is such a major part of my life.
Hence, having the illusion that I could probably still play tennis, I got into a bit of trouble organising my interclub tennis team with people when I was messaging them and I got quite a few responses that I was dreaming to think about doing any tennis. This was an important reality check for me because I was still a bit delusional about the situation and not fully understanding the seriousness of it all at the time.
So, I got quite frustrated with that situation, feeling trapped that I can’t do what I want to do. The frustration and anger of the situation did pass quickly, and using the Emotional Fitness tools I released the anger to move back to feeling more gratitude.
Going out for a walk is a god-send. Without that, I would have gone stir-crazy. Although wearing a mask is certainly an ego challenge. I have always looked at people wearing a mask as being pathetic, it’s probably useless and your weak! So now with all those beliefs in my head, and me walking along wearing a mask has been interesting. A good chance to actually open up my mind.
Very interesting has been the way people stare at me which has been challenging, yet if that’s the worst I have to deal with in life, I’m doing very well.
Because gratitude is one of the highest energy vibrations, the exact inverse of fear, I’ve been looking at what’s happening around the world and just feeling grateful that I have my apartment and I still can go out to the park, if I stay 2 meters away from other people. I’m incredibly grateful now which is such an important focus with huge uncertainty to trust all is working out as it should. As a Company owner the uncertainty around the future of business is not actually concerning for me, which is a nice reflection of my rest inner self-esteem growth. Also, there are some massive work opportunities in my industry.
So while I initially had some real emotional anger and frustration, more recently I have been really content with myself isolation and really building the gratitude muscle.
For food, I have an amazing neighbor in our apartment building who has done shopping for me and dropped it outside my door, plus I’ve also placed a big online order, which I collect from the New World Metro lockbox in Queen Street so I can walk and collect without seeing anybody which is quite nice. One unexpected bonus is planning meals and I’m actually eating better because being in the city, it is so easy to go and buy food rather than preparing planned meals, especially being a four-minute walk to countdown, I tend to enjoy going for that walk each day rather than actually getting bulk.
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