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The Brilliance and Anger of Nick Kyrgios

The brilliance and anger of Nick Kyrgios I am watching the Wimbleton 2022 Grand Slam final with Nick Kyrgios playing against who is probably the greatest tennis player of all time Novak Djokovic. This match has everything yet the one constant is pressure and this...
How to benefit from Anger in Tennis

How to benefit from Anger in Tennis

How to Benefit from Anger in Tennis unlike Naomi Osaka What occurred was that when she served she did it very quickly taking only about three seconds, rather than as the commentators said, she normally takes a lot longer. She also looked tense, like she was still...
A Fun Interview by Rana Alfalaki

A Fun Interview by Rana Alfalaki

It was a delight to be interviewed by Rana AlFalaki for Episode 7 of her Podcast Be Free Be Fm Be Fearless. She has a fun style as we explore Emotional Fitness and the journey driving this huge passion. Nice timing that this came out the same week I start my new...
X-Factor Leadership Ingredients

X-Factor Leadership Ingredients

This article by Rob Robertson is a chapter published in the Entrepreneur X-Factor Book, sharing three important X-Factor Leadership ingredients. I still clearly recall the huge shock I got, and the emotion I felt on 31 January 2002. It was a group meditation exercise...